“Rencontres Poétiques” is a poetry-focused international concert series created by composers Mary Bichner [USA] and Christina Goh [France]. The series features musical settings composed by Bichner and Goh for classic poems in both French and English; inspired by the works of Yves Bonnefoy, Phillis Wheatley, Honoré de Balzac, Edgar Allan Poe, Marceline Desbordes-Valmore, Emily Dickinson, and more.
The first edition of the concert took place in Boston, MA, USA on April 13th 2022 at the Museum of Science Boston’s Mugar Omni Theatre. The event featured a world premiere from each composer, as well as gorgeous visuals custom-made by the Museum’s award-winning artistic teams accompanying each song via the theatre’s five-story screen. The performance also featured a special guest appearance by composer and vocalist Mali Sastri.
The second edition of the concert took place in Tours, France on October 20th 2022 at Le Centre Musical Jean de Ockeghem, a beautiful 12th century abbey turned performance venue, complete with a multi-sensory pre-show experience that included color-changing lights, images, and immersive sound. The performance featured a number of special guests appearances, including medieval troupe Passeurs de Légendes, lyric soprano Betsabée Haas, and actress Justine Calais-Gillot. (A travelogue post, featuring additional photos and memories from this event, can be found HERE.)
The third edition took place during France’s National Poetry Month (known as “Le printemps des poètes”) on Thursday, March 28th 2024 at Salons Ronsard in Saint-Cyr-sur-Loire, France; with an accompanying informational exhibit illustrating the poets featured. The event also included a special children's verison of the concert performed for a local elementary school group. (A travelogue post, featuring additional photos and memories from this event, can be found HERE.)
The next edition of "Rencontres Poétiques" will take place at the Boston Athenaeum on April 10th 2025, with additional concert and ticket info to be released closer to the date.
To book “Rencontres poétiques” in your city or venue, please contact the composers at: